The Glory is conducting 15 vocational engineering subjects at reasonable costs in short period. The courses are structured with own curriculum, and the certificates are conferred at the completion of each course. These courses are suitable for those who want to work as skilled workers or technicians at home or abroad and those who want to establish their own business. Although there is no age restriction for enrollment, the entry requirement of education is considered in choosing respective subjects. Some courses can be joined by the basic education level, while the advanced courses can be attended by only the trainees who have completed engineering diploma and graduation. The duration of courses varies from 1 to 3 months, and new courses are available every month.
The course includes knowledge about the functions of application circuits, building own circuits, and applied electronics. It also comprises with basic theory, the functions of electronic components, testing components and scanning data sheets. The courses are designed to ensure a suitable proportion between practical works and theories. Multi-meter (Analog, Digital), Digital Analysis Test Kit, Oscilloscope are used for effective trainings. The course duration is 10-weeks and the minimum education is matriculation level.
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The course is designed to get the skills on more advanced applied circuits and commercial circuits. ICs, thyristors, protection devices and sensors are taught by using data sheet and trained how to put them in the circuits and tests. The trainees also get a chance to build sample project with application circuit. This 3.5 month course can be attended by those who completed Level (1) or completed basic electronics practically and theoretically.
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This course focuses on repairing domestic electronic gadgets. Useful common components are taught, with the emphasis on repairing TV, EVD, inverters and regulators. Common faults are practiced and theory knowledge for modern circuits is introduced. The 3-month course can be attended by those who complete Level (1) or completed basic electronics practically and theoretically.
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The course emphasized repair, installation and servicing for domestic air-cons and refrigerators. The uses of hand tools, safety, pressure gauge, pipe fitting, gas charge, discharge, clamp meter and multi-meter are trained. The course is designed proportionally for both mechanical and electrical portion .The one and half month course can be attended by those who have completed the basic education middle schools.
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It is a course for installation of domestic and commercial use of electricity distribution and wiring. The course can also understand the use of commercial instruments such as analog and digital multi-metre, earth tester, insulation tester, phase tester, lux metre and clamp metre. Other knowledge such as IEE wiring regulations, safety rules and wiring drawing can also learnt in this course. The one-month course can be joined by those who have completed the basic middle school.
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The course is intended for the trainees who will join the electrical control works in factories, workshops, dockyards and oil exploration. The course includes, on paper or practically, how to use control devices such as magnetic contractor, timer counter, relay and motor, as well as building control circuits and scanning control diagram. The one-month course can be joined by those who already have basic experiences on electrical and wiring and who are at the minimal level of matriculation.
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More and more skilled welders become required in the construction sector while H-Bean and U-Bean iron rods are used replace the timber. Arc welding, gas welding and gas cutting are taught in this course which include how to handle and adjust hand tools, oxygen, Acetylene, welding rods, electric ampere, position codes in using ISO, and lessons for 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F. The one-month course can be joined by those who can read and write Myanmar language.
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The course is required for the trainees who want to join the works in factory, construction and shipyards. It includes basic welding and joining of pipes, gas cutting, plate forming, drawing symbols and pipe drawings. The one-month course can be joined by the skilled welders those who have completed the minimal level of matriculation.
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The course is intended to generate the skilled persons in repairing various engines to be used in agriculture, construction and marine transport. The training programmes use single cylinder, two cylinder and four cylinder diesel and petrol engines. Moreover, important lessons like, timing adjustment for fuel pump, and the adjustments of tapped clearance and ignition timing are also trained well. The one and half month course can be attended by the trainees who have completed the middle school level.
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The Programmable Logic Controller Course is intended for the engineers who want to work at the factories, shipyards, vessels and oil drilling rigs that use modern automation system. The courses are theoretically and practically conducted using with the PLC units such as Omron, Siemens and Delta, other input sensors, output devices, how to draw the related programmers and sample projects. The two-month course can be attended by those who have completed engineering diploma or graduates or those who have background knowledge about electricity and electrical control.
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SCADA Systems have been widely used in the process control that includes many PLC units. This course is intended for those who want to know such complicated and advanced automation system. Data monitoring process is taught by using commercial SCADA software, PLC units and HMI machines and practiced with sample projects used in local and foreign jobs. The two-month course can be attended by those who have completed basic PLC course.
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The course is aimed for those who want to use microcontroller in circuit construction, robots and related projects. It focuses on Arduino Uno Controller, and is possible for further learning about Arduino Mega. The course also gives trainings on writing basic programmes, uploading and downloading programmes between PC and controller and building sample projects by using sensor and hardware. The two-month training course can be attended by those who have received graduates or diplomas in electronics or those who have basic knowledge in computer and electronics.
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