The curricula of the Glory are adopted from international schools and education organizations. Therefore, the trainees of this center can continue more advanced level at international schools. Some of them have joined these oversea schools and institutes.
Sr.No | Name | The Course Attended at GLORY | School for Further Study | Country |
1 | Aung Kaung Khant | Advanced Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Level -5) | BMC International College | Singapore |
2 | Tin Bo Bo | Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Level-5) | University of Sunderland | UK |
3 | Aung Ye Htet Paing | Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Level -3) | New York Institute of Technology | United State |
4 | Moe Myint Su Hlaing | Advanced Diploma in Construction ( Level-5 ) | Curtin University | Malaysia |
5 | Naing Lin | Diploma in Applied Electronic Engineering (Level - 3) | University of Technology Sydney | Australia |
6 | Nyan Lin Tun | Diploma in Automotive Engineering | Okayama Institute of Science and Technology | Japan |
7 | Hlaing Myo Hein | Diploma in Automotive Engineering | Nissan Automobile School | Japan |
8 | Aung ko Ko Thwin | Diploma in Automotive Engineering | Honda Automobile School | Japan |
9 | Phyo Wai Tun | Diploma in Automotive Engineering | Tokyo Welfare University | Japan |
10 | Kyaw Lin Htet | Diploma in Automotive Engineering | Yomiuri College of Car Mechanic Tokyo | Japan |